Well, it's been a while. I just finished the LibGDX Asteroids game.
I probably won't be going back to Java 2D. I said that I would try to get a LibGDX Box2D and Tiled tutorial up and running, but of course, before I start my tutorials, I need to actually have a game for it. I'm still in the process of figuring out the best way to integrate Box2D and Tiled maps.
The game I'm going to use for this future tutorial is this simple, get-to-the-end-of-the-level, platformer: GIF 1.6MB
Some of the things I want to cover in the tutorial are:
- how to use the Tiled software
- how to use the LibGDX Tiled API to read the Tiled maps
- how to use Box2D (this is the big one)
---- adding bodies to the world
---- creating and customizing fixtures
---- converting to Box2D units
---- filter collision
---- contact listeners
I got most of the main game mechanics already finished. I should have the game done soon, or at least enough of it done to start recording the tutorial.