Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cranky Rampage

I seriously never would have thought my channel would get so many subscribers. As of this post, I'm sitting at 865. I remember back when I posted a few videos about setting up a game with only a few video views and a couple subs. I was pretty content with that. It's just been crazy now.

Unfortunately I don't have any more tutorial ideas. So this is probably the end of that run. The only thing left is to just make some games.

I recently got started on a new game: Cranky Rampage. It's about a guy who just wants to get some sleep, but the alien invasion is making too much noise, so he decides to do something about it. This game is a throwback to arcade platform shoot em ups.

I'm hoping to get a demo + source released soon.

Lol nope. I've stopped working on it. Here's the source. You can dissect it if you want.


  1. Hey Mike!
    I love your tutorials! But I'm disappointed to here that you don't have anymore ideas. I think that lots of people would enjoy a tutorial on how to make out own tile map editor!
    Thanks for reading this!
    Could you please write an explanation for how to save a game to a file in java? And also read from that file to load the character name, map location, health, level, experience points, etc. It would be much appreciated.

    1. I used to just do my own thing, not using any external frameworks or libraries. My TileMap engine for instance isn't very flexible. I really recommend using libraries to handle all that stuff for you.

      I just started with LibGDX and it has a pretty comprehensive tilemap functionality. You can make maps with the Tiled program. (
      And LibGDX comes with a tilemap loader that reads Tiled map files.

      It also has Box2D built into it so all my fake physics (MapObject from Dragon Tale) isn't really necessary anymore. Collision is handled for you.


      As for writing to and reading from a save file, it's really simple. I'm doing an Asteroids tutorial where I save high scores to a file. I'll get to that video eventually, but like I said, it's really simple. It's just writing to a file a bunch of numbers (high scores) and then reading from that file to get the numbers back. Nothing fancy.


  2. Thanks for responding to my questions, you have helped alot! I can't wait for your next asteroid tutorials! Btw, do you know of any sources which explain how to use libGDX? (Like the box2d function, or the tilemap reader?)

    1. The LibGDX website has quite a bit of documentation and tutorial material. Also google code has a community of libgdx users with tons of tutorials. I got started with the google comminuty.

      You can use these to start off.

      These are just the basics though, especially that TiledMap tutorial.

      For more on Box2D, you can actually just look up the regular c++ Box2D tutorials. It shouldn't be too difficult to translate to Java.

      I couldn't really find anything decent about how TiledMaps work with the Tiled program. I did a lot of just simply playing around until I got everything pretty much figured out. If you need help with it, you can always just ask.


  3. I would like to see more tutorials too. Using libraries doesn't seems fun at all. You learn how to use them instead of how to write better code in java.

  4. Hello, I like a lot your work, and followed your tutorials even if are passed some years from the first one. Could you please share again the code for this game ? I find only broken link to this one. Thanks Mike.
