Sunday, April 27, 2014


I originally wasn't intending on joining and Ludum Dare competitions since I've lost interest in them, but for some reason, I really want to join this one. Unfortunately, I'm just starting right now, and there's only 9 hours left. Oh well, if I make it, I make it.

I've thought up an idea very quickly, and started scratching down code structuring on paper. I'll update this post as I get more finished.

Technical stuff:
Language - Java
Framework - LibGDX

Theme is Beneath the Surface.

Oh noes 6 hours left. Why am I wasting time posting blogs though? Anyway, I actually got some amount of work done. All the game mechanics seem to be in order. Time to make some damn levels.

2.5 hours left. I made a few levels. I guess the only thing left is to see how many more levels I can make before time up. Also I forgot music and sfx.

Meh, I really needed more time, but I'm happy with what got done.
Links here:


  1. Sup man!

    First of all: Great Job! I love the simplicity of the gameplay and those old gameboy graphics =D

    And now the question: what version of LibGDX did you use?

    Keep working hard!

    1. I don't really know. It was the nightly from a couple months ago I think.

  2. Do you have any tutorials on game development.. I really need that.. I know basics of development of games using java but really want to learn libgdx for it's multiplatform support..
