Saturday, December 12, 2015


Didn't join LD33. Couldn't come up with any ideas. LD34 has two themes because they tied. "Two button control" and "Grow". You can use one or the other, or both.

I went with grow, since I kinda had an idea already. My first idea was a top down puzzle game where you had to try to exit this maze thing and there was this machine placed in some areas that would make you large and small. But then that would only work if the theme was "Shrink".

Their twitter page showed some plants growing, so I'll just do something with farming, Harvest Moon style.

Friday, April 17, 2015

LD #32 - Unconventional Weapon

I didn't want to make another platformer, but it looks like I don't have too much of a choice. So. Weapon of choice: a frikin fan. I'm gonna kill some bugs with wind by blowing them off the center platform a la Super Smash Bros. Not the greatest idea, but whatevs g.

It's about 2 hours in now, and I'm gonna get some nap time.

This game is looking so aestheitcally pleasing.
But no seriously, I want to finish all of the core mechanics by tomorrow noon at most, and I'll spend the rest of the time on the art side.

It's about 19 hours in now. I got bored working on the mechanics, so I did those and the art together.
And an upgrade system.
The point of the game is to last as long as possible. Timer is constantly ticking down and knocking worms off gives you a bit of extra time, depending on how fast you take them out.

I just got an awesome idea. I could have the background cloud things rotating, each one in alternating directions. That would look trippy son.

The supernado destroys everything in its path. Kinda makes that one upgrade useless though.
Should probably turn down the combo leniency. I'm getting combos too easily.