Saturday, December 12, 2015


Didn't join LD33. Couldn't come up with any ideas. LD34 has two themes because they tied. "Two button control" and "Grow". You can use one or the other, or both.

I went with grow, since I kinda had an idea already. My first idea was a top down puzzle game where you had to try to exit this maze thing and there was this machine placed in some areas that would make you large and small. But then that would only work if the theme was "Shrink".

Their twitter page showed some plants growing, so I'll just do something with farming, Harvest Moon style.


  1. Hey bro... You still there? It's been a while.

  2. Hey! Thank you awesome game examples. Helps me a lot with learning how to develop simple games. Thanks bro!

  3. Would be nice to hear if you still there :)

  4. I miss your videos. Please upload more😢
