Thursday, March 27, 2014

Psytech - dev 2

So a checklist of things I have finished since dev 1:
- player level, exp, skill points
- skill tree
- skill prerequisites
- using skills
- skill cooldown
- skill effects (buffs)
- skill HUD

I still need to finish up the HUD. The last things I need are a shield bar, current weapon, and some player stuff.

I decided to try LibGDX's particle editor for explosions. It is surprisingly difficult to get a good looking effect going, but once you tweak it just right, it can look pretty damn awesome.

The goal now is to finish the HUD, and make a skill tree menu where you can upgrade your skills via skill points.
Might as well make a title screen while I'm at it.

Also, wow I never posted what I was using. This is a LibGDX desktop game using Box2D, Box2DLights and Tiled maps.


  1. nice. Your Video tutorials are really helpful...

  2. Any chance of you sharing the source for this? This is by far the most interesting project for me personally and I've been waiting for a part 3, but none so far.

    1. Honestly I haven't though about this game in a while. It got to that point that I usually reach where I put the game on hold indefinitely.

      It happens a lot, generally when I start working on heavy graphics stuff. In this case, it was the weapon hud. I made something and it looked like crap and I just lost too much interest in continuing. Maybe I'll pick it up later.

      Also, I don't share source code of non tutorial projects.

  3. What about making a tutorial for this game? That's seems to be a great game.
